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.who am i ?

i don't know who i am, but i do know who i am not. besides that, i'm just a dude who wanted to be everything but NOT a coder. yeah, i'm a coder now - i found some beauty in that. i guess that says something about me. sometimes, i talk like a scientist, othertimes like a poet, sometimes like a drunkie. often i forget how to talk. less than more, my actions talk - but more than often, i just talk the walk and walk the talk. and when i don't know what to do, i talk by pictures.
i've been at least like 4 different people so far - and i'm looking forward to the next one, although i'd say that for the span of the quarter of the century the number is just enough. and the graph surely seems to have stabilized, but fortunately unfortunately, our species are 60% water 1 - i'll let the pieces-fitting up to you. i distance myself from all my past misdoings and old sins. unfortunately, i can't change any of that, and i refuse to be miserable about things i can't change.

..what i do?

i code, mainly. i wallow in nerd shit a lot. and i definitely want to even more. . thanks to this uni, i got around quite a lot of interesting stuff, which makes me really thankful i ended up there.

...and what do i want to do?

i want to live in peace. i desire of work and meaningful activities that bring mainly nicies (plural of something nice) and just simply make sense; benefit (ideally to all of) us. not all of us may deserve that, but what can we do eh ? i noticed a certain quality of my dad - when he waters the plants, he also waters those that i would write off as dead. after some time, i noticed those plants to flower again. call me an unexperienced gardener, i call it the greatness of the person my dad is. i really do look up to Him.